Plan A Visit


What to Expect

It is never easy to visit a new church for the first time so we want to be as helpful as we can to make your experience a good one. Let’s talk about dress. A few people dress up, but most people come casual. Come the way that you feel most comfortable.
This time is set aside for communicating with God from our hearts through music. Everyone worships in their own unique way – for many, that means singing, clapping, and dancing. For others it means quietly reflecting on the words. You’re welcome to do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.
Each week there is a time to worship God through the giving of tithes and offerings. As a guest, please do not feel any pressure to give. This is an act of worship for our regular attendees, allowing them to thank God for all of the great work he is doing in their lives. It also gives Moore Temple the means to reach more people for Christ in the future.
The Message (Sermon)
Every weekend, you will hear a relevant, straightforward message that is based on Scripture and is designed to be helpful in your everyday life. We trust that these messages will help you develop a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and provide a strong biblical foundation for your life.
As a guest, you’ll be asked to fill out a Visitor Card so that we can thank you for worshipping with us and stay in contact with you.